For a thorough refurbishing of the controls for kiln and dryers, Celina Klinker located in Kleve (D) chooses Instalat as their preferred supplier.
The control equipment will be upgraded to the newest S7 TIA portal in combination with the well-known Instalat WinCC control. 09:11:422020-05-15 13:26:14[:en]New controls for kiln and dryers at Celina Klinker, Kleve (D)[:nl]Nieuwe besturing voor Celina Klinker, Kleve (D)[:de]Neue Steuerungen für Celina Klinker, Kleve (D)[:fr]Nouveaux systèmes de contrôle pour Celina Klinker, Kleve (D)[:ru]Новая система управления для Celina Kilnker, Kleve(Германия)[:]